Career Lounge

Career Blog2024-06-13T16:43:18+02:00
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Jobs for life-scientists

Discover a wide range of job profiles

Do you have any idea how diverse the career options for scientists can be? Most graduates focus on research. But there are many other ways you can use your highly skilled expertise. […more]

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online After Work Networking

March 18 @ 17:00 - 18:00 CET

Welcome to "After Work Networking", where every interaction matters! Expand your professional network and get effortless in touch with scientists and industry professionals. Exchange your ideas and get inspired by others.

Du bist unsicher, welchen Weg du nach dem Studium gehen sollst? Du möchtest mehr über die vielfältigen Karrieremöglichkeiten erfahren, die ein Abschluss im Bereich Life Science bietet?

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